
Eng Ver. U. Bumper. ??. Volunteer Did Not Witness ..


(eng ver 👇)



一位年轻的马来男子下了车,只见他捡起路上自己车子掉下的保险杠 (bumper) 后就拍拍屁股上车飙走


重伤的狗狗相信被撞后自己爬去了路边草堆,一下子就断气了,当场毙命 😭 可想而知当时车速有多快



我们也几乎每隔两天就需要帮路上遇到的车祸浪浪收尸 …







希望狗狗一路好走 ….





Volunteer did not witness the moment when the car accident happened, but saw a car in front of him suddenly making a U-turn on the road.

He slowed down, and then saw the car stopped in front of a stray dog that was seriously injured caused by accident. At this time, only the volunteer saw the injured dog and pulled off immediately too.

A young Malay man got out of the car, he picked up the bumper of his car that fall on the road and drove away quickly.

Obviously, he hit the dog, and even hit till the bumper fell off, but he completely ignored the dog’s life and just left irresponsibly.

Believed that the seriously injured dog climbed to the side of the road himself after being hit, he died after a short while and was killed on the spot 😭 One can imagine how fast the car was.

This is not the first time we have witnessed such a situation with our own eyes. These evil drivers hit on the small animals, but they only care of their car but not the condition of the injured animal.

(Are you still a human??)

We pick up and bury the animal carcasses caused by car accidents on the road almost EVERY two days …

We sincerely hope that every driver can drive on the road with a sense of respect for life!

Respect oneself, respect life.


But these people that love to race don’t even cherish their own lives. How can we educate them to cherish the lives of others, even the lives of animals?

Too difficult, really.


We hope the dog may rest in peace.

We have buried him and may him not being an animal in the next life.

Lack of morality of our society is always the biggest problem that we’re facing.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/4214290145283..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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