hello, is there anyone interested in adopting a young female dog?
her name is Daisy. she has been taken by MPSJ when her owner failed to pay rent. she was confined in the pound for 2 months when a rescuer bailed her out. however, the lady who rescued Daisy is a cat rescuer and they couldn't get along really well (so Daisy is now chained). the rescuer asked if I could help, so I am going to take Daisy from her to foster her while waiting for a family to give her a loving home. the sooner the better as I am a student myself, having limited funds.
Daisy is a very pretty and sweet girl. she is approx 2-3 years old. she has been shaved to get rid of her flea problems which she got infected when she was in the pound. but don't worry, with TLC, Daisy will very quickly bounce back to have her gorgeous coat again! oh and did I mention, she's very playful too!
I hope that together, we could bind hands to help Daisy a step closer to find herself a new, loving home.