Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy
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Sometimes, owners choose to keep their cats indoors only. Reasons may include apartment living, the dangers found on the street (hostile cats, snakes, aggressive dogs) or maybe a health condition which requires the cat to be monitored very closely. Whatever the reason, if you choose to keep you cat indoors only, then extra effort must be made to make their lives as rich, fulfilling and stimulating as possible.
Here are some suggestions:
Hide kitty’s food in a different place every day or better yet, break it up into three portions and hide the portions in different locations. Alternatively, feed her from a Kitty Kong which requires her to bat and pounce on it to slowly release the food.
Don’t stop kitty from drinking from a fish bowl or tank. Or consider getting her a cat fountain so she can have running water, which is always cooler than still water.
Hang a bird feeder near a window and install a perch so she can watch birds. A planter box with flowering plants will attract butterflies and ladybugs; all great to watch.
A nice tank of fresh water fish or a couple of rodents (gerbils or hamsters in SECURE cages) to watch can also be amusing. Alternatively, there are DVDs of such things which can captivate and mesmerize.
A couple of excellent quality cat trees are a must. Shelves placed high on the walls and suspended planks can also add interest and exercise opportunities for kitty. Getting her to chase and hunt feather toys should also be part of your daily routine. Ensure the toys are cat safe; look for vegetable dyes and dispose of damaged toys immediately. Cats can choke from broken bits, just like children.
And For A Treat…
Toss your cats treats around the room and make her run to them. They also like laser pointers, bubble guns and if you have green fingers, cultivate a few pots of cat mint and bring in a pot for her to chew on every now and then.
And if budget permits, you could always invest in an outdoor cat enclosure ala CatMax or Secureakat.
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