
Due To Klebang Residents Complaints Of Too Many St..


Due to Klebang residents complaints of too many stray dogs, the law enforcement team of Ipoh Town Hall (MBI) went to capture them. These stray dogs are usually sent to the deck dump for exile.

But in this operation, more than ten stray dogs were captured, including seven young, new-born puppies (the eyes have not been opened).

The City Hall law enforcement team realized that if these puppies were exiled to a garbage dump, they would die without a doubt, so they notified the ISPCA volunteers for help. All the adult dogs were sent to the veterinary clinic to undergo TNR program. The puppies and their mother were sent to an ISPCA shelter for temporary residence, and then reintroduced for TNR and adoption when they grow up.

(Note) Other adult dogs have been played back in situ by local volunteers.

The local residents are urged to accept and tolerate stray dogs that have been reintroduced because they are only one in the end, and they will not increase in number.

因为 Klabang 居民投诉太多流浪狗,于是怡保市政厅(MBI)执法组前往捕捉牠们。


但这次行动中,共有十多只流浪狗被捉,其中包括七只一 ,两个月大的小狗,另外有七只刚出生不久的小狗(眼睛还没开)。

市政厅执法组员意识到,如果把这些小狗流放到垃圾场,牠们都是必死无疑,于是他们通知了 ISPCA 义工帮忙,将成年犬全送到兽医所(TNR 计划)节育后再回放,小犬连同母犬就送到 ISPCA 庇护所暂住,直到成年之后再送去节育然后回放或被领养。




ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out.


Donation to ISPCA is Tax Exempted /


Public Bank ~ 3060433821

cheques must be issued to / 支票请注名 :

” the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals”

#ispcafoodbank #ispca #TNR

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ISPCA/photos/a.117743581620058/2910..




The Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (The ISPCA), is a non-profit organisation formed under the Societies Act, 1966 of Malaysia. We are affiliated to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), London.

Our no-kill Shelter is located at Lot 38642, 4 1/2 Milestone, Jalan Gopeng, 31300 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia and nestles amongst beautiful limestone hills. Currently we are guardian to approximately 250 dogs and 80 cats at our Shelter.

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