
Update Eng Version. 1.65kg. 0.5262.5. _. Finally, ..


Update (eng version 👇)




⚠️ 第一次发情期前结扎,乳腺癌和乳腺肿瘤的风险少于0.5%!第一次发情前绝育,已被证实非常有效降低患上乳腺瘤,第二次发情后结扎,乳腺肿瘤风险飙升到26%,如果2.5岁以后才绝育,乳腺肿瘤发病的概率和未绝育的母狗一样高 ⚠️

真心感激每一位帮助花奶奶医药费的爱心朋友们 🙏 这么严重的肿瘤一般都是恶性的 …. 庆幸的是目前为止兽医还没发现癌细胞扩散在体内的痕迹


只求过后她都能平安健康 🙏



花奶奶 🌺 加油!




花奶奶的流浪心酸 :



Finally, Nanny Flora successfully removed the mammary gland tumor weighing 1.65KG! And she looks much relieved and happy.

THIS IS WHY the earlier the better a female dog getting spayed.

#BecauseDoYouKnowThat …

⚠️ The risk of a dog developing a mammary tumor is 0.5% if spayed before their first heat (approximately 6 months of age), 8% after their first heat, and 26% after their second heat!

Mammary tumors are more common in female dogs that are either not spayed or were spayed after 2 years of age. ⚠️

We’re really grateful to every caring friend who helped with Flora’s medical expenses 🙏 Such tumors are generally malignant …. Fortunately, so far, the veterinarian has not found any traces of cancer cells spreading in the body.

During the surgery, it was found that there was leakage at Flora’s bladder also, and the vet has sutured it back. At now she can pee normally.

We just wish that she can be safe and healthy afterwards 🙏 Pray very hard that the cancer will not spread in her body 🙏

Have a speedy recovery, Nanny Flora 🌺


Together, it’s our social responsibility to help and reduce the population of homeless animals.


Previous plight of Nanny Flora:


Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/341..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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