Dyk That Regular Population Monitoring Is Vital To..
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#DYK that regular population monitoring is vital to measure the effectiveness of efforts to conserve the critically endangered Bornean orangutans?
Learn more about the three population monitoring methods – ground surveys, helicopters, and drone surveys – by watching this video. Discover how WWF-Malaysia is using artificial intelligence to enhance orangutan conservation efforts.
Please help save our orangutans, visit https://www.wwf.org.my/how_you_can_help/donate_now/save_our_orangutans/ By conserving the Bornean orangutan, we are helping to protect other wildlife that share the same habitat, as well as maintaining the health of forest ecosystems that provide clean air, fresh water and climate change mitigation for people.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/638140668356355/videos/100722880088..
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