
Catty First Impressions: Introducing A New Cat To Your Household Felines

It’s been three months since Eevee joined our clan, and now we can’t imagine life without her – I’d dare say that even our other four cats feel the same way. Having so many...
Jun 21, 2013


Adopting An Orphaned Kitten – The Early Weeks

It’s easy to decide on adopting a kitten – what’s not to love? Kittens are adorable, and this isn’t a surprise at all considering the way cute cat videos spread like wildfire...
May 2, 2013


Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy

Sometimes, owners choose to keep their cats indoors only. Reasons may include apartment living, the dangers found on the street (hostile cats, snakes, aggressive dogs) or maybe a health condition...
Sep 25, 2012


Cat Care 101

Cats have been said to be easy to care for and for the most part, this is true. For instance, they are remarkable easy to toilet train and they do not need you to walk them. Provided your cat has...
Aug 1, 2012

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