Sara Ikmal It’s easy to decide on adopting a kitten – what’s not to love? Kittens are adorable, and this isn’t a surprise at all considering the way cute cat videos spread like wildfire...
May 2, 2013
Alicia Horsley
People often marvel that our cats and dogs live together in harmony. Yes, my parents, myself and my sister’s household run multi-pet homes. While rabbits, birds, sugar gliders and reptiles are...
Sep 1, 2012
Isabel Ling 1. Desexing makes my dog fat. FALSE!
After desexing, your dog will have a lower metabolism. If you feed your dog the same amount as you did prior to desexing, it will gain weight....
Aug 24, 2012
Guni Gomez
That is the BIG question.
Are you planing on getting a fur kid? Have you asked yourself the following questions? What do I want – a cat or a dog? Where do I live? House with a...
Aug 1, 2012
Alicia Horsley
Cats have been said to be easy to care for and for the most part, this is true. For instance, they are remarkable easy to toilet train and they do not need you to walk them. Provided your cat has...
Aug 1, 2012
Kopi & TehC Wong In the blink of an eye, the festivities will be coming up upon us, where everyone will be rejoicing in the holiday mood with feasts galore and hopping out and about around town. With visiting...
Aug 1, 2012
Alicia Horsley
If you are looking for a long term relationship with a high maintenance partner, then a dog is the pet for you. Once you’ve done your research and hopefully considered adopting, then you need...
Aug 1, 2012
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