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5 Pets, Adopter


1 Pet, Rescuer


1 Pet, Adopter

NameFareen Dzulkifli
JoinedOct 2009
LocationDamansara, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceRabbit (2 Years)
Cat (5 Years)
Hamster (1 Year)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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I generally like animals but l find cats very fascinating. Most people accuse cats of being dumb as they are not as trainable as dogs are. But think about it, cats get you to do anything for them with little or no expectations of them! They practically have a mind of their own, refuse to be told to sit or beg or roll and still get away with it!! Now who says cats are dumb? LOL!

I find it hard to define my relationship with my cats. They're like the family I chose, or chose me :) They're like my kids who will never grow up and will always need me....

I love certain pedigrees like Ragdolls, Norwegian Forest Cats, Mainecoons, British Shorthairs, American Shorthairs,
and not to forget our Domestic Cats for their
individual physical characteristics and personalities.

I have so much room in my heart for these wonderful felines but unfortunately only a limited space in my home to ensure their well being and that they all get my undivided attention.

I've promised my hubby to only have a maximum of 5 cats in the house. And he's even sulking to that! LOL. At this point of time, I've reached my quota of 5 cats. Am I going to stop? I dun think so! Finally my hubby gave in and said 'as long as we don't have cats at every corner of the house!' hahahahha. I think I can manage that ;)

I would love to meet other likeminded people and also gain more knowledge about cats in general, different breeds as well
as be more informed of petsheltering/rescuing efforts.

Feel free to visit my pet profiles and say hi! :)

Fareen's Pets

Sophie, 15 Yrs
Owner's Pet

Optimus, 15 Yrs
Owner's Pet

Dexter, 17 Yrs
Owner's Pet

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asyrafkhairuddin   Apr 25th 2010 at 11:36AM
sy punye angel mmg manje sgt2 kak...pegi manne2 je nak ikot...mel plak mcm biase suke bergurau dgn angel dh skrg...angel tgah tido mel bole plak kacau2 angel tu tido..eventho angel lagi besar tpi still kna buli dgn mel...akak boleh tolong sy carikn sy kucing norwegian forest x?agak2 brape range harge die eyh?
kak fareen nak ragdoll boleh?hehe..
Nadz   May 24th 2010 at 12:50PM
Hye Fareen,

All your cats are very cute ;) I'm interested in getting a maine coon kitten, but I don't know where to look. May I ask, where did you get your maine coon cats from? They are very pretty~

kimmyismail   Jun 2nd 2010 at 5:39PM
hey hi :) ada kitten x? i would like to buy
Fareen   Jun 2nd 2010 at 6:33PM
Kimmy, sorry I x breed and x jual kucing :)
nastygurlz   Jun 3rd 2010 at 2:05PM
kak fareen...
cmne nk bli furminator yg online tu ekk...
Fareen   Jun 3rd 2010 at 2:18PM
hole order Dari www.pamperedpoochesstore.com
nastygurlz   Jun 3rd 2010 at 2:56PM
thank you...
miazara   Jun 3rd 2010 at 5:49PM
Hye Dexter... nak kenalan buleh??? hehehe

hye kak fareen....
Fareen   Jun 3rd 2010 at 6:11PM
hi Fina :) Hehe nak kenal ngan dexter bole tapi dia eksyen sikit hehe. tadi baru kena mandi :P
miazara   Jun 4th 2010 at 9:19AM
woooo eksen lak dia.... tak per, nti fina cium cium.. hilang eksen tuh....

boleh kan boleh kannn.... chayang dexterrr....
nonocimon   Jun 8th 2010 at 2:58PM
aii kak fareen..nak tanye.. i ade satu ekor persian cat..umur 2 bulan..kawan i bagi..dia xnak makn sgt lah..sgt risau..then semlam mulut dia berbuih=buih..takut pulak i..nape eh..i xnk dia mati sebb dia sgt cute..
silver358   Jun 11th 2010 at 10:46PM
geram tgk heidi..!!hehe
akk..byk sy da bace n stdy pasal NFC and mmg minat sgt.sy jenis yg ske kucing wit high agility and not like persian..maine coon NFC and SFC is my Favrte
Fareen   Jun 11th 2010 at 10:55PM
Kalau u minat yang active, jenis terbang2, summersault semua, NFO memang sesuai :) errr SFC tu apa?
silver358   Jun 11th 2010 at 11:03PM
yup coz dats my characterstic hehehe...siberian forest cat..akk ley x rekemen mane nk dpt?
Fareen   Jun 11th 2010 at 11:05PM
ohh Siberian. Siberian breeder ada kat singapore je. So far tak de dengar kat Malaysia ni ada breeder.
silver358   Jun 11th 2010 at 11:07PM
yup2 tp for da time being sy mmg nak cari sepasang NFC..kucing2 akk comel!!!geram glew tgk
Fareen   Jun 11th 2010 at 11:09PM
TQ. memang comel and nakal2 belaka hehehe. Especially Heidi and Yuki
silver358   Jun 14th 2010 at 9:00AM
hmmm..i sell masqurde not for money purpose..but im not really rich man who can afford to buy any cat i want.skang sy ad 4 adult n 3 kitten.myb most of ppl says neutrd or spayng is good tp bg sy xsanggup nk buat to my cat yg i jg since baby.unless klu mmg i dpt cat yg da siap dikasi mmg i xley nk wat pape la.NFC is my passion.klu nk bli sekali gus mmg xmampu la coz kebajikan yg laen pn kene jg n other cat also need attention too.dats y klu ad NFC sy xnak ad byk sgt yg laen tkt nanti ble sy asik ngan dorang.yg laen terabai..so to prevent this.i need to let go thier kitten.tp parents kitten tu mmg i syg sgt2.n my own effort is kumpul dwet and hope that dwet yg i kumpul tu dpt beli NFC..

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