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Rescuer, Animal Lover

Animal Lover

20 Pets, Rescuer


1 Pet, Rescuer

Verified Rescuer
NameCerz Lee
JoinedApr 2008
LocationKl, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (18 Years)
Rabbit (12 Years)
Cat (8 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
Providing Foster Home
An Animal Lover
Send Email View Phone 23 Comments
The Independent Pet Rescuers (IPR) comprises of individuals who rescue animals independently and band together when necessary to exchange information or seek help.

IPR seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abandoned and companion animal. Our policy is very simple. We neuter, deworm and vaccinate all our rescued animals before putting them up for adoption. Besides rescuing animals ourselves, we help people who are unsure of what to do when they come across an abandoned animal.

Please add us at

facebook: Independent Pets Rescuers KL - IPR

Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Independent-Pets-Rescuers-KL-IPR/721255131247569?ref=hl

We are looking for volunteers who could help rescue and foster homeless animals, either temporarily or permanently. Volunteers can also send pictures and details of the animals they have rescued, and we will post them on facebook and share to our friends.

Interested foster families may contact us at 012-332 9952.

IPR seeks to inculcate and increase public awareness in Malaysia on the importance of responsible pet ownership, ethical treatment of and improved welfare for animals.

cerz's Pets
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Ariel Girl, 3 Yrs
For Adoption

CocoSpot, 7 Yrs
For Adoption

Tuxedo Boy, 7 Yrs
For Adoption

Mixed Breed, 7 Yrs
For Adoption

Rainy Girl, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Whitsy, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Neepo, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Iban, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Harrier, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Filla, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Ethio, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Dunkan, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Derry, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Garlic, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

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Page: 1 2    23 Comments
Vee20   Oct 14th 2008 at 12:15AM
Carnea, I saw the pictures of the stolen kitts on your blog. I feel so sorry for the caretaker, and also the mum cat. Just two months old, how much more irresponsible can the thieves get? And it's sad that the law enforcers are not helping either. Why not post their pics up here, in the 'lost and found' section? The response rate would be higher, just a suggestion. Praying for their safe return soon..
cckheong   Oct 22nd 2008 at 12:56AM
Hi, I looking to adopt an English Cocker Spaniel (female - 5 or 6 yo) as companion for my Cocker (male - 7 yo) of the same breed. If you have a Cocker that fits my description for adoption, please contact me : Mr. Choong (HP or) Thank you.
Yiyok   Nov 5th 2008 at 4:36AM
看了pet finder .my領養動物檔案,發覺很多都是你救回來的小生命,還為它們設做檔案,你幫了它們,你救了它們,再給它們都有個暫時避風港,等有心人來領養,給我感覺你是它們的天使!你付出的愛心,時間,精神都讓我敬佩,加油!
Nachichan   Nov 9th 2008 at 11:10AM
Kuro means "black" in jap^^
She is too black until I cant realy c where is her eyes in her pic>< My aunt bought her a new clothes n shoes 4 her!!huhuhu....she has gotten big now n she cant sit on my lap anymore(coz she is 2 big)!But she still love 2 do so...She is very manja...towards me...=.=When I bring her 4 a walk she always sits on the floor,lookin @ me,saying"carry me!"
marcialynn78   Nov 24th 2008 at 3:45PM
Hi Cerz i was wondering the adoption that you guys conduct in Hartamas area is open for us to bring the dogs that we have rescued to this adoption session?

If it is can you send me a mail or call me so i can make the arrangements to bring Bruno there?
smfan   Jan 4th 2009 at 11:27AM
Carnea, could you paste a better pic of Milo. She looks very pretty and dainty in dog(person) I think this pic is not attractive enough to capture adopters heart. Adopters out there do see Milo personaly and you know what I mean. She captures my heart but too bad I can't adopt her.
Showstopper   Jan 27th 2009 at 10:44AM
Hi, is Pepper still up 4 adoption. I am interested.
kazukiying   Feb 8th 2009 at 6:22PM
hiee i want to know do you have MALE POM ????
sarahseben   Mar 12th 2009 at 2:32PM
hi cerz, i'm using an old canon dslr model 350D with 50mm lens. thanks for the comment ;)
btw, i think i've been to your adoption drive in May 2007, searching for a kitten to adopt. Was hoping to adopt one but at that time, there were not much of kittens.A plan to only adopt 1 kitten led to a total of 9 cats now!*sweat* Do inform me if you have a kitten similar to Cesar, yeah! Cheers!
munkie   Apr 20th 2009 at 5:12PM
http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/ please read this ppl..
rhsajc   Jun 4th 2009 at 9:06PM
Hi Cerz, Really hope and pray that there are more people like you. On behalf of all the animals, A MILLION THANKS TO YOU.
Judy   Jun 9th 2009 at 7:43PM
H..e..lo!! cerz its me judy adopted a pitiful
Shi Tzu ever.Thank Q for your pass advise.help,and comments!! You sure hve help a Lot of dogs and cats!!The world will be much better to have more people like you;-]
cellofen   Jul 4th 2009 at 10:53PM
Hello..I am interested to know and maybe thinking about adopting Spiro. May I know how big her size will be when she grow up and info about her. Thanks. Will contact you..
munmun   Nov 7th 2009 at 11:22PM
Hello Cerz, its mun’s. I've been to your adoption drive in Plaza Damas.
I was touches by you and your family members for having compassionate heart for the love of rejected animals and providing them with a loving home.
Thank you so much. God bless you all.
paanjahat   Jun 18th 2010 at 11:36PM
goodluck babe.. :)
Komani   Jun 25th 2010 at 9:51AM
Hey ,I am Komani. Please kindly let me know by emailing me at if you have any rabbits for adoption because I am looking for a rabbit to adopt.Thanks ..
Sherre   Aug 15th 2011 at 1:55AM
Is Gibro still available?Now his size should be bigger..Can upload a new picture or tell me his size plz? Thx. :)

Fluffbat   May 13th 2012 at 9:31PM
We went to Sri Hartamis just to see the animals on sat and were told you don't go there any more. Please update your info!
kbean   Apr 18th 2014 at 11:31PM
Ok Thank you very much !

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