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1 Pet, Animal Lover

91 Pets, Animal Lover

1 Pet, Animal Lover

Animal Lover

2 Pets


NameSu Ann
JoinedFeb 2014
LocationKl, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (0 Year)
Cat (0 Year)
Small & Furry (0 Year)
Interested InRescuing Pets
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I hv been rescuing strays cats and dogs many years. Started when the strays gave birth at my office n helped to rehome the pups even the pups (11pups) were only 2 weeks old as my heartless and inhuman Boss threatened to call MPSJ. I sent out SOS message to FB pleading for help n thank God ..came few of the very kind people to help me.

This World is not just for humans...animals too have the right to live in this planet

BE KIND TO THEM. If you don't like them ..its ok BUT NEVER HURT THEM.

I wish and pray those pups I rescued will find a GOOD Home n Genuine Good Owner that love n care.

I am not biased but I have my own guidelines for adoption. All adopters are strangers to me and i am responsible to ensure the pups go to genuine adopters n a GOOD home for them. As such home addess is needed for follow up.
And for those owner stay at condo or apartment need to forward proof that it is pet friendly condo or apartment
Thank You for your understanding

swan's Pets
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11   
Baby Bio, 5 Yrs
For Adoption

Tae Yang, 7 Yrs
For Adoption

Ai Li, 9 Mths
For Adoption

Oat Boy, 11 Mths
For Adoption

Emu Berry, 1 Yr
For Adoption

Ginko, 3 Yrs
For Adoption

Girl A, 1 Yr
For Adoption

Brownie, 5 Yrs
For Adoption

Fanie, 10 Yrs
For Adoption

Sheno , 11 Yrs
For Adoption

Prince , 2 Yrs
For Adoption

Baby Aliz, 4 Yrs
For Adoption

Girl D, 1 Yr
For Adoption

Kiko, 5 Yrs
For Adoption

Sunshine, 5 Yrs
For Adoption

Rise, 1 Yr
For Adoption

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11   

Share your comments here2 Comments
SyazwaniSulaiman   Nov 23rd 2019 at 10:37PM
How do i contact you
Tojess   Apr 9th 2020 at 4:02AM
Very rude and biased owner. I asked her about adopting a dog and she straight out blurted to me "But one day u will go back to your country and u will definitely abandon the dog." We just started talking and she straight judges me that I'll abandon the dog when I leave. I told her I already found information about taking pets on the plane with extra charge and she still judges me that I'll abandon the dog before I leave. Such an unpleasant, rude person.

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