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   « Back To Listing Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)
Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 2 Years 8 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationAmpang, Kuala Lumpur
Posted14 Feb 2022 (Updated 20 Oct 2022)
Adoption FeeRM 20
  1 Comment
Beanie, 4 month old female, super intelligent and inquisitive. She has great recall ( comes when you call her with a happy tone- I do this at the field at my kondo only), toilet trained within a day ( refuses to pee or poop inside the house and scratches and whines at the door when she needs to go out). Likes sleeping at your feet and is a total foodie.

She is very good with other dogs and knows how to behave appropriately. She is very playful with young dogs and she can most certainly play all day! She can also be a good girl and just sun bathe in the days while I work from home.

She also likes to play fetch with her tennis ball, coming back to give you the ball again to throw for her. She also makes scooby doo noises which is pretty funny

Bunny has long legs for her size but distinct eyebrow markings above her eyes. Floppy ears and brown socks.

Does not get car sick, she likes sleeping the the car!

If you are ready for unconditional love and Beanie’s inquisitive head tilts, look no further as Beanie’s antics and behaviour will keep you entertained until it’s time for bed for her.

Suitable to keep inside the house as she is potty trained. Just take her out after her breakfast and dinner to pee and poop
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Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

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Am I a pretty girl?

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

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Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

Beanie(Toilet Trained+ Videos)  - Mixed Breed Dog

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Share your comments here1 Comment
feebee142   Apr 8th 2022 at 9:16PM
Hello madam/sir, how big is this dog??? sorry if i am disturbing you but seeu when u get back

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