Koko: spayed, free roam, and fully trained Netherland Dwarf
Koko: Netherland Dwarf yang telah dimandulkan, bebas berkeliaran, dan terlatih sepenuhnya
Koko: 经绝育,善于自由活动和使用猫砂的荷兰矮兔
Adoption includes everything: toys, hay, pellets, and castle
Adopsi termasuk segala-galanya: mainan, serasah, pelet, dan kastil
Just add love to complete your family!
Cukup tambahkan cinta untuk lengkapkan keluarga anda!
Koko is a 2.5 yo Netherland Dwarf that has been with us for since 3 months old. She is spayed, fully free roam and litter trained. Adoption will include all her toys, hay, pellets, litter cage and wooden castle