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   « Back To Listing Sweet-faced Choki
Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 1 Year 8 Months
BodySmall Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, Cream
LocationSubang Jaya, Selangor
Posted8 Feb 2024 (Updated 4 May 2024)
Adoption FeeRM 50
  1 Comment
Goofy and chatty girl rescued from playground Low maintenance cat who loves daily brushes and car rides FIV+ but healthy and seeking patient and loving family
  PetGPT Nibbles
This goofy and chatty girl was rescued from a playground. I was feeding her for a few months, spayed her and decided to help find her a forever home.

She would appreciate a patient and loving family that allows her ample time to settle down and let her flourish. She can be timid in the beginning, observing from under the chair or table but once she is comfortable with you she gets a little closer, follows you to the kitchen with a very adorable squeak-meow when she greets you.

She is a big fan of her daily brushes. She will throw her body near you or on the scratcher board and wait for you when she wants to be brushed.

She is a low maintenance cat who is easily contented with a safe space and getting unlimited pets. She sleeps under beds or furnitures not because she is scared but is what she enjoys.

She loves playing catch with the resident cat.

She also loves car rides and is always curious to look out of the window.

She is FIV+ which means she has lowered immune system but don't worry, FIV+ cats can live a long and good life. All we need is to ensure she is kept indoor with good nutrition and have her blood test done every 6 months. The last blood test I did for her was in January 2024 (Can be shared upon request). The results for a recently rescued cat is considered satisfactory & is on track to improving with time. There is no major health issues.

If you are interested to adopt Choki Choki, there will be a short interview and form to fill up to ensure you are right the fit for her and if she is the right fit for you too.

Please DM me on Instagram @kezijillan for faster response. I am happy to share more details and photos/videos of her.
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Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Sweet-faced Choki - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Share your comments here1 Comment
Sivanesan   Mar 31st 2024 at 1:25PM
Is she still available for adoption? Im from Kajang and looking a female cat to accompany my male cat (Spayed) just lost his female companion

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