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Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog
For Adoption
DogDoberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog
ProfileFemale, 10 Years 6 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Golden
LocationCyber Jaya, Selangor
Posted5 Mar 2017
Adoption FeeFREE
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This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
I found her 2 by the lake near my house and took care of her until now that the management of my residence is asking me to either leave or give up the dog I also have to leave the country and I don't wanna see her suffer or think of what might happen to her if I can't find anyone to adopt her I can't just leave her out in the wild not knowing if she's safe or can even survive thinking of her might get run over by a car won't let me sleep at nights forever she's so cute and kind and loving to her human family it's unbelievable, please help me give her a better future and you will know you get more love back from her when you see her, I will also come for a visit every once in a few weeks and bring her food after I come back to the country if the new owner is ok with it, I'd like to thank you good hearts out there in advance for caring!❤
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Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog

Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog

Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog

Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog

Isis - Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd Dog Dog

Share your comments here1 Comment
Marco   Apr 23rd 2017 at 10:05PM
is the dog still available or someone took it already

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