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   « Back To Listing Alice
Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat
Owner's Pet
CatDomestic Long Hair + Maine Coon
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 9 Months
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
LocationShah Alam,sect.19, Selangor
Posted29 Dec 2009 (Updated 19 Mar 2010)
playful+joyful+sleepy cat
-kire cam adik seperjuangan dona,coz mmbesar same2 ngn dona.
-time dona hilang die de same ngn dona,maybe if she can talk she will tell us where actually dona.
-dona ilang,die murung bape ari,n selalu g kat tmpat tdo dona n tgkjer tmpat tu.
but now dia sgt2 notty but enjoy n really luv her
-suke sgt mkn ikan dlm tin,tau kat ne tuna tu disimpan,ble org nk g dapur je ingat org nk g kat peti ais tu.
- umur dh setahun,tapi pendek jer.gemok tapi pendek.
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Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

ngigau ke tolak dinding
ngigau ke tolak dinding

tdo bersama dumble
tdo bersama dumble

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

nampak x my teeth:P
nampak x my teeth:P

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buka lh tingkap..nk kua..
buka lh tingkap..nk kua..

minah poyo
minah poyo

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

Alice - Domestic Long Hair + Maine Coon Cat

bulu ni lebat sgt:P
bulu ni lebat sgt:P

sinilah tempat saya when xdpat kua mlm
sinilah tempat saya when xdpat kua mlm

pas kekenyangan
pas kekenyangan

suke duk cni coz dekat ngn aircond
suke duk cni coz dekat ngn aircond

tdo kat mane die dan jer
tdo kat mane die dan jer

kesian xdpat kua,coz dh malam
kesian xdpat kua,coz dh malam

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Share your comments here6 Comments
jetcat6691   Dec 29th 2009 at 4:01PM
alahaiii...cute nyerrr..
anNeLove   Dec 30th 2009 at 8:15AM
cute+pemalas+kaki tido hehehe
asyrafkhairuddin   Dec 30th 2009 at 11:35AM
ikot dan jer tido mcm my mell..huhu
anNeLove   Dec 30th 2009 at 1:35PM
asyraf: mmg ikut dan die jer mane nak tdo,tapi yg pasti die plg suke tdo kat tmpat yg org xdpt kco die.n die tdo sgt lasak
izaishak   Dec 30th 2009 at 1:45PM
shikinnn...comell nye ur catt..eee geramnyeee..huhuhu n cute oso laaaaa!! hahahaha mcm kucing i sket muka dia tp urs lg awesome! bulu diaa..hahaha geramm gile..i xleh tgk cats..sorry! i jd over excited
anNeLove   Dec 30th 2009 at 1:53PM
iza:hehhehe..mmg akn teroverexcited nye lah kan when tgk cats yg gebu2.alice ni sbb die suke jilat bulu die,if cium o hug die mesti bdn die bau air liur.heheh..

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