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Are You Taking Care Of Your Pets In A Right Way? -..
19th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

- Are you taking care of your pets in a right way? - 🐶🐱 Having a pet sounds fascinating and fun. But adopting and take care for a pet is a big responsibility. Above poster is some guidance to help you take good care of your pets and keep them happy, active, and healthy. ✨ - 您在以正确方式对待您的毛小孩吗? - 🐶🐱 宠物固然是一件快乐的事,但 要肩负的是一生对它好的责任。无论 宠物的生理或是心理上都应该给予足 够的呵护。...

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Trap Neuter Release Manage. Is A Project Focused O..
13th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

Trap – Neuter – Release – Manage is a project focused on the castration and sterilisation of stray dogs and cats to prevent unwanted newborn puppies and kittens. ISPCA has already released approximately 1,700 neutered strays (Under TNRM Program) back to their original location. This way, they will have more freedom compared to being kept in shelter. This is the most humane way of dealing with strays while at the same time, providing them freedom. ISPCA sincerely hopes that public can und...

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Are You Thinking Of Adopting A New Cat Or Dog? If ..
8th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

🤔Are you thinking of adopting a new cat or dog? If you’re looking to improve your health or lead a healthy lifestyle, adopting a cat or dog can be a great thing to consider 💯👍🏼 Adopting a pet has lots of advantages that some of you may not have considered. Here are some of the advantages of getting a pet for you and your family: ☑️You are saving a life as well as doing a good deed ☑️Pay less for your new best friend because adoption fees typically are far below what pet s...

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With This Extension Of The Full Movement Control O..
5th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

With this extension of the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) by our government, not only public are facing difficulties, stray animals within shelters and those wandering on streets are also having difficulties to survive due to the shortage of food. ISPCA is no doubt facing the same problems, the remaining dog food in shelter can only last at most until end of June. 行动管制令(FMCO)延长,除了民众 对日常生活不便之外,庇护所及在外 浪的猫猫狗狗都面对粮...

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Above Poster Is A Guideline To All Dogs Owner Espe..
5th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

Above poster is a guideline to all dogs owner especially the rookies to distinguish what a dog can and cannot eat ❌/✔️ ⚠️Having a pet sounds fascinating and fun BUT adopting and take care for a pet is a big responsibility⚠️ 📌Some of the foods people eat can be introduced to a dog’s diet just fine, and even provide health benefits such as joint strength, better breath, and allergy immunity. However, this doesn’t mean everything that they eat is good for them 📌 🐶 BE A...

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You Donate Rm 10. Can Give It Enough Food For One ..
4th Jun 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

You donate RM 10 can give it enough food for one day 你捐助 RM 10 能让牠有—天温饱 With this extension of the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) by our government, not only public are facing difficulties, stray animals within shelters and those wandering on streets are also having difficulties to survive due to the shortage of food. ISPCA is no doubt facing the same problems, the remaining dog food in shelter can only last at most until end of June. 行动管制令(FMCO)延长,...

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Strays-. People Used To Call Them Strays Ever Sinc..
26th May 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

-STRAYS- People used to call them strays ever since they were born. Have you ever seen a stray animal in front of your path? They were Born to roam. Born to starve. Born to endure storm and drought. Do good. And good will come to you 🍀 Like our Facebook page and feel free to browse our official website to know more about us! Link in Bio Follow us and stay tuned for more! #ISPCA #TNRM #IpohSPCA

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Ispca Shelter Is A Temporary Stay For The Strays W..
26th May 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

ISPCA Shelter is a temporary stay for the strays when they are recovering from operation, and also for sick and/or rescued dogs. At our shelter, daily tasks are assigned such as cleaning the cages, preparing meals, cutting grass, showering, walking and feeding medicine to the dogs etc. We are doing this not just to rescue strays in distress but also aim to raise the public awareness on caring for stray animals. ISPCA庇护所是一个中途站。在这里,我 们会给予正在疗伤,受伤...

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Lee Poh Kheng ,. Ispca. James Lee Soon Ming Lee Po..
11th May 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

遗憾得知 Lee Poh Kheng 女士已经离开我们, 但是她对 ISPCA 和动物们的关爰永远都在. 今天从 James Lee Soon Ming 律师手中领取 Lee Poh Kheng 女士生前(遗囑)捐赠怡保防止虐待动物 协会 RM2000.00 支票. Regret to learn that Madam. Lee Poh Kheng has left us, But her LOVE for ISPCA and the animals is always there. Today, we received a cheque donated by Madam. Lee Poh Kheng from the lawyer James Lee Soon Ming. 感谢 Lee Poh Kheng 女士 及其家人. Than...

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Ispca 5600kg. Ispca Food Bank Has Received Generou..
28th Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

感谢怡保中央公市(冻肉供应商)每个月 捐赠 ISPCA 食物银行约 5~600kg 羊肉,我们也会分派给怡保一些喂流 狗的义工。 ISPCA food bank has received generous donation of 5~600kg of mutton from one of the frozen meat supplier. ISPCA management has decided to distribute these to our volunteers to continue in feeding the strays. 有需要的义工可以联络我们。 V olunteers can contact us. #TNR #ISPCA

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Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn Bhd Ispca 72 Nexgard. Thank ..
21st Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

非常感谢 Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn Bhd 赠送 ISPCA 庇护所 72 盒 NexGard 除蚤药. Thank you so much to Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn Bhd for donating 72 boxes "NaxGard" to ISPCA Shelter. ISPCA 管理层衷心感谢 Rhone Ma (M) Sdn Bhd. 慷慨支持。 Rhone Ma Holdings Berhad

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We Were Informed That A Stray Dog Fell Into A Deep..
19th Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

We were informed that a stray dog fell into a deep ditch and could not get out. When we arrived at the scene and found that it could not be approached, we could not immediately save it. With the help of passers-by, we built a simple plank and let the stray dog use it as a bridge. After we left the scene, the staff of the leisure park informed us that the stray had jumped up safely. Thanks to the kind and helpful passers-by and staffs for helping us and the stray dog. 被通知有只小浪掉...

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Usm. Today, Usm Student Took A Hormone Test With T..
11th Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

今天与来自 USM 学生为庇护所的狗狗做荷尔蒙测验。 Today, USM student took a hormone test with the shelter dogs. #ispca #TNR

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This 10-Year-Old Rottweiler Is Called Queenie. Her..
7th Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

This 10-year-old Rottweiler is called Queenie. Her family had to immigrate to another country, so they decided to put her up on adoption. What they didn't know is that Queenie's too old for most people and nobody wanted to adopt her. Her owner decided to send her to the vet and "put to sleep" (PTS). After we had a talk with the vets, we decided to postpone her fated day and try our best to find another new family for her (T&C applied). Luckily, with the help of other volunteers, we found a kind ...

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An Event In Cooperation Between Ispca And The Pera..
2nd Apr 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

An event in cooperation between ISPCA and the Perak State Government. 怡保防止虐待动物协会 与霹雳州政府合作的一项活动。 Coming soon on May 2021. 推广TNR计划(暂定五月) Promote the TNR program. #TNR #ISPCA

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Thank You Ms Candy Individuals Who Despite Difficu..
29th Mar 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

Thank you Ms Candy individuals who despite difficult times like this still care about the strays in our shelter. ISPCA would like to express our deep gratitude on you generous support, we have received a total of 150 kg and RM1000 cash of pet food donations under our food bank program. 感谢善心的Ms Candy在这艰难时刻关怀庇护所的动物, 并捐赠粮食于我们 ISPCA 食物银行,我们在此代表庇护所的动 们向你们致万二分谢意。 感谢你的心 意。 ...

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62noriah 35/ Tnr.m. Tnr.m. Who Is A Homeless And D..
14th Mar 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

在怡保南区有一位哑巴露宿者(62岁)义 反顾地照顾两只小浪,其中有多位市 民包括一位善良的马来同胞Noriah (35岁/护士) 支助狗狗所有的节育费用,并为牠们 册 TNR.M ,让牠们能在这条街上快乐地生活下 。 感谢这一区多位商家和居民的体谅 和包容,让小浪在TNR.M计划下多一次生 存的机会。 (注)我们也把这两只小浪 信息转达于市政厅执法单位。 who is a homeless and disabled p...

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Special Thanks To Pahang Pharmacy Companion Animal..
13th Mar 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

Special thanks to Pahang Pharmacy Companion Animal for donating 10 packs of [Simparica] flea and ticks tablets to ISPCA for our furbabies in shelter. As usual, a portion of these will be distributed to our volunteers for strays. #PahangPharmacyCompanionAnimal

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Cmco,mco. Mr Yong 40 Ispca Food Bank,14. Ispca She..
10th Feb 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

面对新冠疫情的冲击,庇护所面对的 銷可以说是百上加斤,糧食也面临短 ,日前政府一直实施的CMCO,和刚开始 MCO,令我们无法向市民公开筹备所需 糧食与经费。 所幸 (Mr Yong)揚先生 慷慨解囊捐赠 40包狗糧于 ISPCA Food bank,其中14 包将会转送其他流浪狗喂食义工。 ISPC A shelter's daily expenditure is getting higher especially during this pandemic and the shelter is short of dog food supply. Due to the imple...

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In Order To Ensure All The Fur Kids' Healths And S..
10th Feb 2021, by SPCA Ipoh

In order to ensure all the fur kids' healths and shelter's environment, ISPCA has arranged with veterinary doctor to apply vaccination and flea medication to all the dogs in shelter for year 2021. There are approximately 180 dogs within shelter and this is considered a major vaccination work by the doctors and their assistants. Two of the doctors even bitten by a few of the dogs. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ISPCA has barely gotten any donations from public and therefore, ISPCA has to bear a...

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